Friday, 9 December 2016

The frustrated rant of a book-lover.

When I read books, I admit that I get a little weird. I laugh and cry with the characters and take them very seriously as if they were real people (As I type this, my head is convincing me that they are real indeed). I do get depressed when a character dies, and I mourn for them till my broken heart finds a rebound. This may seem queer to people who don't read and that is completely okay with me. What is not okay, is that they ridicule it! I get strange looks when people find me reading in my spare time. I mean, since when is it normal to watch a movie for leisure, but if you spot a person reading something (which, in my opinion, is the best way to spend free time), he/she is the most mundane person on the face of the earth. Yes there are people who enjoy reading and prefer to read away to glory instead of  watching cinema, FACE IT!
         On social media, you see two kinds of people. The first being, people who upload selfies of themselves with a heart-warming, sentimental line stolen from Tumblr. The second type- the hashtaggers. They would go on to write an entire paragraph using only hashtags.  (Apparently, replacing "." with "#" makes you look cooler.)  And these very people are the ones considered cool in the society, they are the fad, and that's still fine with me. If you find joy in doing these things, then by all means continue. I'm nobody to judge you. HOWEVER, if a person uploads a book review or something he/she read in a book, all it gets is a mere 'scroll', so they can move on to better, less sensible things. WHY ARE BOOKS NOT GETTING THE ATTENTION THEY DESERVE?
      Do you realise?  A one thousand pages book is comprised of just twenty-six letters re-arranged in different ways. These twenty-six letters proceed to make a whole story, a whole plot, and in some cases, a whole new world. Can you acknowledge the fact that these twenty six letters engross the reader and leave him entirely raptured in his book- world? How magical is that! Zillions of books took birth from these mere twenty six letters. That, my friend,  is nothing less than absolutely amazing!
      Then why is nobody appreciating this wondrous four lettered thing called BOOK? Why is a girl with red lipstick pouting at the camera, or a guy pretentiously posing on his Harley Davidson (we know that is not really a candid picture) more interesting than a paperback? A book has so much to teach you, so much to enlighten you with, it will be your best friend, your own universe away from the grey reality you live in.
     It is an earnest request from a person who loves to read, do not consider it stupid if you see a person dwelling in books. It is fine if you don't get it, we do not expect you to.However, do not ask us how we don't find reading boring or monotonous. We just don't.  Do not interrupt when it is very much evident that we are totally into the books. It may not seem important to you,but it is for us.
      And last but not the least, if you borrow a book from us, have the courtesy to keep it in good condition. They are extremely precious. If you are not going to read it and it's just lying in a corner of your room accumulating dust, please return it. It's a little too humiliating. I read somewhere, ''Everybody is a reader, they just  have to find the right book''. I hope you find yours, and until then, just appreciate the ones who already have.

PS- Published in interest of the cause- MAKE READING COOL AGAIN.
PPS- Okay, I made that up.