Thursday, 21 February 2019

Potato world.

Dear whoever-is-reading,

I’m writing this because a brilliant mind thought of this and asked me to give words to it. So the thought is hers, but the words are mine. And somebody once said, ‘It’s the thought that matters’. (And it somehow became an idiom that we use whenever someone buys us a gift that sucks.)

So, getting back to the point, let me start by telling you a story that will make you cringe and look at me with distaste. But I will tell you anyway, because that’s the amount of shit I give about what people on the internet think about me (Kidding, please give me validation). So this is one of my oldest and lamest jokes, but I still take pride in it because even if no one else did, it made me laugh. A lot.
We were in our Botany practical hall, and our teacher whom we called ‘Indira, the tiger’ was teaching us botany (Not because it was a botany practical hall, but because she majored in Botany) She was giving us some unnecessary knowledge about sweet potatoes when I turned to my friends and said ‘Sweet potatoes can also be called Sonia potatoes’ .They looked at me poker-faced. Then I had to explain, ‘It’s because I’m sweet’.

That’s when the poker faces turned into face palms and eye-rolls. I don’t blame them, I had it coming. I mean come on, ‘Sonia potatoes’? But I just want you to look at the bigger picture here. Nobody thought I was so sweet, neither did I, but I had the audacity to put myself out there, look at my low self-esteem in the eye, and give myself enough credit to make a statement that was boastful enough to change the hierarchy of an entire vegetable. Now you must be thinking that it was my vanity speaking. I agree to disagree. There’s a thin line between vanity and self love. The line is made of unicorn poop and ice cream sprinkles, because it’s an imaginary line and you can make it with whatever you want.

Vanity stems from wanting to make other people worship you. You think you are so superlative that you want to rub your nonexistent qualities in their face. However, self love has its roots on embracing yourself, whole and sole. It stands miles away from wanting to impress others. It’s all about respecting yourself and sending love your own way.

It was Valentine’s Day recently. And something different I noticed lately about this day is that the millennial wave has brought about a bout of self love that is surprisingly associated with this day. When I was a teenager, all the single people acted forever alone on V-day (I talk as if it was decades ago, I’m 24 okay, so teenage was only five years ago). But this year I saw single people claiming to buy themselves chocolates, gift themselves flowers on Valentine ’s Day because you don’t need to depend on someone else to celebrate valentine’s day. You can always love yourself or your friends and your family. I think that’s just fabulous! Where was this when we needed it? All this self love is so endearing and encouraging, and I think we all need to continue this and make it a new tradition, along with the conventional ways of celebrating it. The millennials also brought in non sense hashtags and abbreviations, but let’s just focus on the positives here. So, I think you should all remind yourselves every day that you’re all sweet potatoes, even with all your flaws. I do realise now, in retrospect, that calling yourself a potato does not sound very cool. But hey, french fries come from potatoes, and have you ever had blue waala Lays?! It’s all potatoes, and it’s so divine!

So go out there and make it a potato world.

Thought credits- Sweet potato
Sayali Mhatre aka Sayali team-mate